Ratio analysis logic (not a cheat sheet)


December 27, 2021

This is a little experiment for our FSA class. Class starts again in February 2022 and there are some new things we want to try out. This sheet is one of them.

You can find the sheet in pdf format in this repo.

It’s the first draft of a cheat sheet (but not a full cheat sheet) for the ratio analysis part of the lecture. It contains the basic structure and leaves room for notes and comments.

Our idea is that you (our students) can fill the rest of the cheat sheet as you want. That’s the main point. It is not a ready made cheat sheet, but it contains crucial logic that hopefully helps you to make a good cheat sheet for yourself. And obviously you should not use it to cheat on an exam. Instead, making cheat sheets is useful because it’s a great way to distill and learn the material.

We hope to improve it over time based on feedback. But whether that’s gonna happen will obviously depend on how well it will be received by the 2022 FSA cohort. I’m quite curious whether this will work.